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Learn from experts in their fields. Take control of your life.
Gain insights, self-discipline, and life purpose.
Navigate away from negative thinking and acting with help from a supportive community.
Discern God's design for your life and experience a life well-lived

Growing integrally
If you're like us, you desire a life well-lived, free from the trappings and distractions of a busy world that derail you.
We want to help you with an easy-to-follow plan of life bolstered by education, training, faith, and a supportive community.
We are people from different walks of life, mostly Catholic, experts on our fields of study and also just everyday 'joes' just like you, wanting an integral, faith-based approach to living well. Let us tell you more...
![]() 1. Assess YourselfComplete our Integral Life Survey | ![]() 2. Vision & Goal SetNext, begin an adventurous path toward a life well-lived | ![]() 3. Reflect & DiscernEntrust your plans and discernment to God |
![]() 4. Serve & EncourageGain support in sculpting a joy-filled life | ![]() 5. Live with MeaningLive in the freedom & purpose found only in God! |
Emmiwell's Steps to Living Well

You don't need to look far to see that our world and the people in it, as beautiful as it all is, has some jagged edges. You might even find yourselfse a tad fragmented and discouraged. You want a life well-lived but are not experiencing it fully. This was not God’s original design. You are created in love and for a vibrant purpose! Yes, we all have problems and obstacles, but by God’s grace, you can find meaning in them and to overcome them. You need not go it alone. Emmiwell provides meaning and direction to your life, all in the context of a supportive network of sojourners who also walk this life at the service of others.
Emmaus Institute for Wellness In Life and Love
Phone 1-678-910-1526
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